About Me

I have spent many years designing and creating Christmas Trees and displays. I would like to share with you what I have learned, and you are welcome to share you suggestions and ideas also. I hope you enjoy reading these blogs and hope they have helped you add enjoyment to your decorating endeavors. In an effort to make these posts as informative as possible, as I come across photos and information that would be best used in these posts, you may see them change from time to time. Please be patient, as this is always a work in progress. Thank you:-) Follow me on instagram: https://www.instagram.com/holidayknights/

Friday, July 8, 2011

Decorating for Halloween (inside and out).

Visit urbanchristmas on youtube.com

When most people think about decorating for Halloween, they think outside...yard decorations. The problems with just having decorations outside, is everyone else gets to see them but you (unless you sit outdoors every night). I do decorate outside...but I do even more inside. These are some decorating tips for the inside of your house.

One really unusual idea for Halloween is to decorate a tree. That's right...a tree. Use an upside down black tree. If you can find lights with a black cord, great! If not, use lights with a green cord. They blend in pretty well when the lights are dim. See: http://christmasknight.blogspot.com/2011/05/lighting-your-christmas-tree-so-you.html for instructions on how to light a tree. With this tree, just use the instructions backwards. Use purple and orange lights on the tree, this creates a dim spooky atmosphere to the display. 

After you have lit the tree. Look for Halloween "fiber optics" scarecrows, pumpkins, witches or any other Halloween object, and place them in the tree. They should sit on the top of the tree nicely or perch in some of the lower branches. Use wire to secure them into the tree. If you have a lighted spider web, suspend it from the tree. Hang lots of spiders and a spider egg sack. I used an orange lighted orb for the spider sack.

If you want an eerie looking tree use some glow in the dark spider web to cover parts of the tree. Spread it very thinly, so you can still see any Halloween decorations you may put on the tree.  After all this, now you can hang you spooky Halloween small items on the tree. Many lower priced items can always be found at Walmarts and Dollar General. There are also collectible Halloween ornaments from Christopher Radko and Polonaise and many other Companies.

Around the bottom of your tree, you can sit bales of hay, and lean some corn stalks up against the trunk. If you have life sized scary people they would be in this area. If you have a fog machine, hide in in amongst the bales of hay. Make sure it is secure and has enough air so it doesn't get to hot. It creates a very misty scary look to any display. Set it to go off every couple of minutes.
Another way to decorate for Halloween is to decorate the front window in the living room. I've never seen a living room without a front window. First you want to put up some type of greenery or a "base" to tie your decorations to (grapevine). I use a very sparse looking greenery with pine cones in it. Next I use some novelty lights. These are orange pumpkins lights and also a light that looks that flickering candles. Next, I add in some fall looking flowers and berries. I add a couple of bows, and some Halloween ornaments. Lastly, I set out Halloween figurines and candles and voila...It looks great and your now ready for a party.

Update on the decorating the window in your living room: Here is some changes I made from the first year. I had more Halloween items around the window. This year (2011) I have it have a more Fall and Thanksgiving look.

Don't forget, if you collect Halloween houses from Department 56 or any other company, get them out and displayed for Halloween. To see instructions on how to set up a really great village, see: http://christmasknight.blogspot.com/2011/05/christmas-villages-one-more-time.html :-)

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